Monday, July 13, 2009


1) RSS Time! I think this is going to be very helpful although, I fear that this will lead to the demise of the traditional newspaper delivered to my door every morning. AND I do love reading the newspaper! My husband gets his news via the internet but I've held out for paper -- at least for right now. I do like the fact that I can have GOOGLEREADER send me information on the topics in which I have interest -- particularly the Windfall Elimination Provision. This law seems so unfair to me because it limits the amount of social security payments I can receive if I choose to receive payments from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. I keep thinking that someone will decide the schoolteachers shouldn't be punished & am grateful that Google will track this topic for me.

2) Actually, right this minute, I'm not sure how often I'll look at GOOGLE READER at school. Time is so fleeting there! But I know how to access it so can do so if I ever get caught up or bored.

3) I have to think about how RSS can be used in school. Frankly, I think that one could spend a lot of time reading blogs -- and, frequently, I find that I'm not interested in the stream-of-consciousness musing that goes on in many blogs. I've also just finished the new Michael Connelly novel, The Scarecrow, in which the bad guy figured out one character's passwords because of the information on the character's blog. Blogs are out there for the world to read.

However, I'll keep thinking about using this technology as an educational tool; often, my creativity has to perculate for a while before it kicks in!

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