Thursday, July 16, 2009


Now this is neat! LibraryThing may save my marriage because it looks like a wonderful way to catalog our personal library. My wonderful husband, Jim, often points out that our library is completely unorganized and he doesn't understand why since his wife is a librarian, his daughter is a librarian, and his next-door neighbor is a librarian. We really need to find a way to know what books we have. Earlier this year, we found 3 copies of the same book -- so we really need to figure this out.

Looks like LibraryThing will do it. Particularly since it can be accessed from a cell phone so that we can see if we own a particular book before we buy something.

I liked the way I can tag books, too. I have a KINDLE which I bought for my husband but he doesn't use it so I do. He has very strong ideas about NOT putting bookstores out of business. So this way, I can tell if we have a hard copy or not.

I looked at the groups -- oh, my!-- one could be overwhelmed! Crime, Thriller & Mystery is my favorite because I was able to learn when the next alphabet mystery by Sue Grafton is going to be published. I've read them all.

This was fun -- and I wasn't frustrated like I was for THING 10.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Library Thing will help your marriage - - and your budget so you don't buy duplicates. Your post was funny. I would love a Kindle. I do see what your husband means, though. I wonder if there will be physical book store in ten years. If not, where will my husband and I hang out? Barbara
