Saturday, June 27, 2009


OK -- This was REALLY fun! I went to Big Huge Lab & decided to make a Pocket Photo Album. Importing the pictures was easy -- deciphering the folding instructions for the 8.5" x 11" paper gave me pause BUT! I got it! So now I've created a pocket album w/pic from a family event that I shall distribute at our family reunion in July to amuse & amaze all my kith & kin.

AND THEN!! There was information about a PocketMod which is a small book made from another 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. It's a joy for someone (like me) who is addicted to lists & notes. I intend to start the school year w/a lesson about this for Library Club.

As an ancillary teacher, I see every student each week on a M-T-W schedule; then I repeat M on Th & T on F. Library Club was started last year & involves library activities other than checking out books. It has really worked well at Gordon-HISD because conduct on M-T-W determine whether a class is able to participate in Library Club. Activities include reading magazines, playing games (both computer & board), and browsing through reference books.
This year, I want to emphasize doing things that Life-Long Learners need to do and know. I may even call it Life-Long Learners Library Club.

1 comment:

  1. O.K., now you have me curious about PocketMod. I'm going to explore that. Great ideas.
